Softway Commercial Co., Ltd.

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   With a commitment to producing best quality products certified by international standards. The needs of customers always comes first, in line with the new generation lifestyle by leading creatively trends and provide customers with professional appliances business advice for creating business growth together. Let's share and help society to create endless beautiful values, along with continuous development, deliver products with excellent after-sales service. Caring every details for our important customers.

With the philosophy of working for mutual success between customers, employees, and Softway Commercial Company Limited. to work hard to achieve Customer confidence in products and the highest efficiency in the customer's business operations We have the following commitments:


  • We will strive to build trust. and meet the needs of customers with quality products and standardized services
  • We will work with transparency and honesty to our customers, partners, employees, shareholders, and all departments. Related agencies
  • we will be creative and develop products relentlessly with principles that are friendly to the environment
  • We will develop the potential and capability of our human resources in terms of knowledge, work ethics, and leadership. in order to create a sustainable learning organization. like our motto, We will strive to lead “Service from the heart” “Excellent product quality” and “Sustainable partners” for our customers and partners.